Tina Alexis Allen on "The Noshing with Nina Show"

Tina Alexis Allen and Nina Kennedy on the set of The Noshing with Nina Show

Hello friends!

I know I've been pretty silent this month. The reason is that I am fully involved in the completion of the first book of my memoirs. For those of you who read the condensed version of my memoir in this blog, you might recall that at the end of it I wrote: "For the juicy details of my romantic life, you'll have to wait for the book." Well the book I'm finishing is that book!

Tina Alexis Allen

Meanwhile, on Pride Weekend we taped another episode of The Noshing with Nina Show with special guest, author/actor/producer Tina Alexis Allen, whose new book Hiding Out: A Memoir of Drugs, Deception, and Double Lives is all the rage. I interviewed Tina about the book, her acting career, and the one-woman-show which she wrote, directed, and starred in titled Secrets of a Holy Father. Tina and I met at the Out Women in Business NYC Conference few months ago, where she did a reading and book-signing. I handed her my card. and she emailed us a few days later. After Googling her, we were quite impressed with the body of work she has produced, and the clips of TV talk-show interviews she's done. Now we can add The Noshing with Nina Show to that list of TV talk-shows.

Tina has written an excellent book about her own coming-out story, including details of her father's alcoholism, sexual abuse perpetrated by her two older brothers starting when she was nine years old, and becoming her father's confidante when he admits - only to her - that he buried his lover during the war. "His name was Omar."


Tina was the youngest of thirteen children. Keeping their secret from her siblings and her mom was quite the challenge, especially since her father would ply her with alcohol at tea dances where he would often disappear with young men. She carried all of their guilt while trying to comfort her mother, and simultaneously feeling all of the pressure to keep their secret.

Pick up Hiding Out when you can, or download it on your Kindle, and be on the lookout for the episode of The Noshing with Nina Show with Tina Alexis Allen as our guest. By the way, did I mention that there's some steamy lesbian sex in those pages?

And speaking of hot, steamy sex, of course we'll keep you posted on when my book is available for purchase. Happy Pride, errebody!

Enjoy the clip below of Tina's interview for Hollywood Live:


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